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Sparkle Society

- Chamak's Loyalty Perks









How to Join:

step 1. Sign up

step 2: Like our IG & FB pages

step 3: Book a service or come shop! Online shopping cart will be available soon... 


Join our Loyalty Program Perks.:

-Gift with 1st  Purchase: Like our Page & IG (chamakcosmetics). On your 1st purchase at our shop,  post a picture on FB/Instagram or Twitter and receive a complimentary custom blended loose mineral shimmer (3 gram) on your first visit 

-Birthday Treat! - On your birthday week, bring a state issued id and receive a .33 oz body spray that you custom scent  AND receive a special 2 piece birthday chocolate box with your choice of flavors.

-Keeping Track of How Much You Come Back: For your convenience, we are able to keep a client file of all the items you purchase so if you forget what eye shadow you purchased, or what scents were in the perfume you designed, we note it all down and reward you for reaching certain points of purchase. 

- Invitation to Members Only Beauty Events & Sales: Sparkle Society members are invited to private beauty events and special sales. 


Model for Chamak!:

- our makeup academy always needs model volunteers for class & their phtooshoot final

- we are always looking for fresh new faces for our portfolio and to launch new products

- model would sign a waiver form (models 17 or under would need parental consent/approval)

- receive $50 spending credit towards Chamak products or services

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